How Loving Tan is Killing the Social Media Engagement Game!
As someone who enjoys a good fake tan, I have found myself appreciating Loving Tan’s social media presence! The Aussie self-tanning brand has, in my opinion, chosen a fantastic social media community manager to accommodate the niche self-tanning community. Their social media presence is engaging and always on-trend and each post that Loving Tan shares on social media goes beyond marketing a product. It allows audiences to relate to the brand and find something in common. Whether it’s self-tanning mishaps, tips, or experiences that only people who use self-tanner know about, it just gives a welcoming, fun, and relatable essence to the brand!
Currently, Loving Tan has almost 700k Instagram Followers, and I feel it established three great content pillars to formulate its posts. Looking at the six content bucket ideas from the Hello Socials website, I would say Loving Tan’s successful content falls into these three buckets being:
- Conversation: engaging posts with captivating CTA’s that make you engage with others in the comment section.
- Education: posts that leave you a little more enlightened on the world of self-tanner.
- Connection: relatable posts that make you want to share with others.
Below, I dive into some of the most engaging, relatable, and educational posts Loving Tan has shared over the last few months that have built the fantastic self-tanning community it has today.
Engaging Posts
One of the most successful posts that Loving Tan shares on their Instagram account are engaging posts. These posts include a call to action that makes you comment and engage with the brand. Below, I added an example of when Loving Tan got me to jump in the comments and share my worst tanning nightmare! What I love the most from brand posts like these is sharing a personal fun story related to the brand and reading what others are posting as well.
What’s also great is that the community manager of the account took the time to respond to each of the comments and show interest in what the community was sharing. This was such a fun idea to get people engaged with the brand. I know I will be commenting on more of their posts down the road!
Educational Posts
Loving Tan does a great job of sharing informative posts on self-tanning techniques. Self-tanning can be pretty tricky and a little scary at first, especially without knowing the outcome of the tanning application until the following day. From uneven applications to a shade being too dark or a tan not lasting long, I know I have had a learning curve in using tanning products! I love how Loving Tan shares valuable tips and answers questions in the comment section about the best way to use their products to achieve a perfect, smooth tan. The posts are also cute, on-brand, and easily comprehended with accomodating imagery.
Relatable Posts
Lastly, my favorite type of post that Loving Tan shares to engage with their community is funny, trendy, and relatable posts. The brand does a great job of utilizing social media trends to get viewers pumped to share their content and have a way of making it so relatable. An example below is Loving Tan’s take on the Red Flag trend in the fall of 2021. Brands were prompted to post about red flags in a relationship, and Loving Tan shared one about boyfriends who disappear when you need them to tan your back.
I found this post funny and so relatable as I always need my boyfriend to tan my back. This is something that only the niche community of self-tanning individuals would understand! Additionally, they also share zodiac-related posts that give the viewers something to share while also marketing the brand to their followers. This is a perfect example of how brands can turn their community members into brand advocates.
Overall, Loving Tan’s community manager is doing a fantastic job of engaging with its niche following on Instagram. What is being built on the page is sustainable, fun, and worth following if you are a self-tan user. I would love to see Loving Tan start a self-tanning Facebook community page where members and customers can share more personal tanning experiences. I know I’ll be following along as the brand continues to post on Instagram.